Our Revenue Share System

B&H Club OG NFT - The entire OG collection will receive: benefits, discounts, and rev share through corresponding traits that are staked (locked)

Payments distribution can be a wide a variety. However, we will mainly distribute in $USDC.

Payment distribution may include other collection utility / meme tokens, $DOUGH, or $SOL. B&H Club will be on a monthly cycle through marketing freelancing, with foundational profits from products.

Traits and Quantity is what qualifies you to higher tiers and amplify your monthly earnings. Some traits have been chosen for Sub Collections; enabling expansion within the foundation as a whole.

1 - Holder - You’re apart of gang, however, this is our General Club access. 1 - 11 Holdings is tier 0. You can participate in discord / platform activities, and join private events. Access to alpha’s and collabs. Eligible for discounts and rewards.

12 - Elite - Elite role is the beginning of the tiers. 12 - 33 Holdings is tier 1. Not only can you participate in all activities / events. You’ll have a similar experience of someone who holds 1 or 2 chosen traits of sub collections. Holding this range could vary; the more you hold, the deeper the discounts / benefits and could lead to a larger rev share. Your NFT’s must be staked to receive these 3 form of community kickback.

Tier 1 activates rev share - activating monthly raiding missions; you must manually claim and complete all missions by raiding in order to claim your rev share.

34 - Whale - You’re really flexing your stuff! Whales are no joke. 34 - 69 holding and you’ve become a heavy hitter in the community. Here is a bracket we should honor. Truly devoted individuals who want to help us thrive in the ecosystem. These glorious Beluga beasts are a different breed of individual. This is tier 2. Within tier 2 you’re given a base rate of rev share, weekly discounts / weekly benefits to connected wallets staked by tier quantity that’s locked within our store fronts. Manually claiming these rewards on a monthly basis, giving these members an ROI kickback through selling products with profits through the RR foundation.

Tier 2 rev share is a slightly larger base rate compared to tier 1. The more bunnies you hold and the more you create original posts “raids”, the more you qualify for $USDC / $SOL / $DOUGH kickback rev share. As tier 2 your missions are slightly different than tier 1, further justifying the kickback to be slightly more significant. You must complete all the missions and manually claim your rev share through locked NFT’s at the end of every month with all missions completed.

70 - King - 70 + is the largest holding role for B&H Club! You’ve proven your loyalty and commitment by being the amongst the best. Tier 3 is the maximum rate you receive through rev share / benefits / discounts. Completing all monthly missions locks in a juicy kickback at the end of every month, making this the King of all roles. Being a king, you have full access to our council and direct contact with our team helping develop and shape our future on a daily basis.